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First light new CCD wide field camera 11-07-03

One day before FULL moon plus thin clouds. The wide field camera consists of a GMV-EX6K / MINTRON 12V1E-EX based on the sony ICX248AL EX-VIEW CCD and a 16 to 160 mm Fujinon Zoom Lens with a 93 mm objective. Photos of the widefield scope used to take these photos. All photos on this page were taken with the wide field Mintron camera setup unless otherwise specified. Photos of the original '-garbage can-' widefield scope are HERE.

NOTE: Most of the photos on this page were taken before a serious flaw was uncovered in the widefield scope which resulted in the inability to focus properly. See FILTER for more details. You will notice how the photos are improving as refinements are being made in the system. Stars down to 17th magnitude are visible in many of these photos and in several photos 19 to 20th magnitude stars are visible which is incredible considering my light polluted location.

Adjust brightness and Contrast


Haze is from man made light and moonlight lighting up the thin cloud layer ^^^


^^^ Moonlight lighting up the trees !!!

Light from the nearly full moon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The bright stars are overexposed
resulting in some some loss of detail.
This can be corrected with proper camera setup.

See photo at the bottom of UV-IR Filter page!

M31 - M32 - M110

11-08-03 Photos taken during lunar eclipse

VERY close to eclipsed moon which is
wiping out the dimmer features.

This object which radiates strongly in the infrared
pointed to a serious flaw - See UV-IR Filter !

This object which radiates strongly in the infrared
pointed to a serious flaw - See UV-IR Filter !

This object which radiates strongly in the infrared
pointed to a serious flaw - See UV-IR Filter !

Mirfak (Mirphak) Starry Night skymap

Mirfak (Mirphak) 11-08-03

Same area of the sky 1 year later showing improvement of the widefield scope

Cartes du Ciel skymap

Same area of the sky 1 year later 11-15-04
showing improvements in the widefield scope!

Comparison with Starry Night skymap 11-08-03

Comparison with Cartes du Ciel skymap 11-15-04

M33 11-17-03
System was NOT focusing properly

Polaris 11-17-03

Compare this photo with the one taken of the same
region during full moon. (See top of page.)

The moon at 750 nm (NIR Near Infrared)
and Visible 400 - 700 nm


Somewhat overexposed shot of the moon

M81 and M82 through light clouds

Remember to turn AGC off before trying to make a composite!
Otherwise you may have difficulties trying to match brightness as above.


M42 PC164C camera 16 - 160 mm zoom lens
100 stacked frames in COAA

Real time (ONE frame!) image of M42
Mintron Camera at ETX-90 Prime focus

False color version of Mintron ETX-90 photo

02-14-03 ( M42 and Saturn )

Gain reduced on camera

As the clouds roll in AGAIN!
REAL TIME one frame image
Mintron camera at ETX-90 prime focus 2X mode

This is with the Mintron camera
at prime focus of the ETX-90.
More magnification is needed.

False color version of M42
REAL TIME one frame image
Mintron camera at ETX-90 prime focus 2X mode
False color added with Micrografx Picture Publisher


Side by side comparison with Hubble Space Telescope photo !

02-28-03 / 02-29-03 Half moon with light clouds



M81 - M82

Big Dipper and LOTS of light pollution!







M42 / M43


Sunspot group 588 the morning 04-06-04
This is the what is responsible for the coronal mass ejection

Sunspot group


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